Terra Iz Rizing
By: "The Genetic Role Model"
Terra Rizing
Welcome to Terra Iz Rizing! I am your
party host, your supreme entertainer, as
well as the 'Tojo of Mojo'! I am Terra
Rizing! And I have come to CJS Today,
frankly, to be its savior. I have come to
save this newspaper from the shackles of
mediocrity. Let's be quite honest, CJS
Today is struggling. The ratio of
students to readers of said newspaper:
plummeting. The content of every issue:
boring. The amount of crass shoutouts per
issue: embarrassing. CJS Today needs a
hero. CJS Today needs a focal point. CJS
Today needs a role model. Who better a
role model can you get, but Terra
Rizing-the 'Genetic Role Model'?